
UnRar UnZip

Page history last edited by matthew 5 years ago

UnRar UnZip


  • Tutorial here which shows how to extract to files to a folder using UnRar
  • Useful commands for using UnRar @ the Command-line here
  • Verify files in Linux and Windows using CFV here
  • 7za Command Line Version User's Guide here


Useful UnRar Commands


Example: List the contents of a RAR archive


unrar l FILE.rar



Example: Extract to the current directory


unrar x FILE.rar



Example: Extract to a new folder within the current directory


unrar x FILE.rar FOLDER\



Useful UnZip Commands


Example: List the contents of a ZIP archive


unzip -l FILE.zip



Example: Extract to the current directory


unzip FILE.zip -d .


Example: Extract to a new folder within the current directory


unzip FILE.zip -d .\FOLDER




Comments (1)

matthew said

at 10:40 am on Jan 9, 2020

Updated links and text

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